Group Therapy Agreement

Group Agreement

Your participation in the group is understood as your consent to this agreement, which outlines group guidelines. As the group comes together and as new members join over time, group contracting is formed within the group; however, this document supports the group’s overall guidelines.

About the group

This is a relational group. This means we bring all of ourselves to how we grieve and experience loss, so within the group, we consider it therapeutically appropriate when we bring issues and experiences that seem unrelated to loss. Likewise, the relationships within the group will affect each of us. We encourage open communication about how we experience each other.


The minimum commitment to participate in the group is 12 sessions, which is approximately 6 months. 

The maximum participation in the group is 66 sessions, which is approximately 3 years.

Absences and lateness will be met with compassionate curiosity and explored within the group as appropriate. In other words, as a relational group, nothing about our participation in the group is silenced. 

Every group member is entitled to 3 non-fee holidays from the group in a 12-month period. 

The facilitators will not cancel the group unless both of them are unable to make it in which case no payment is expected for that group. The group will be held in the event that only one facilitator is absent.

There are three set breaks over Christmas, Easter, and in August.


Group members may find they feel better and are ready to end, giving notice to the group. Sometimes, something unexpected arises and the ending needs to be immediate or with little notice. 

Ending relationships or commitments, however brief, can feel awkward, scary, uncomfortable. When you participate in the group, it’s necessary that when you end, you come to the group and let them know that you’re leaving. This is not so that you can be persuaded to stay; rather, the task of ending is meaningful to the group’s theme of loss so for that reason, we embed face-to-face endings as a necessary part of group participation.


Sometimes group members feel a connection with another group member that moves beyond the group space. When relationships develop outwith the group, this relationship is likely to be felt or sensed within the group. We don’t discourage these connections; however, we ask that relationships, friendship or otherwise, are disclosed within the group. 

Disclosure supports transparency and relational engagement within the group, which supports the therapeutic experience of all members. With this in mind, this applies to the group’s two facilitators as well. If any group member is involved in individual therapy with one of the facilitators, this will also be made known to the group.

Communication with Facilitators

Contact with facilitators outwith the group is limited to urgent notifications regarding attendance or issues of payments. All communication is generally expected to take place within the group regarding absences, lateness, etc.

Record Keeping

Attendance and payment records will be kept. Issues of non-payment will be discussed 1:1. Payments are required 24 hours before the group meeting and are paid by bank transfer.